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Board of Directors

The District is governed by a Board of seven (7) Directors.  Directors serve staggered four (4) year terms, and may serve consecutive terms.

Three at-large directors are elected by the voters of the entire district.  One director is elected from each county precinct by the voters of that precinct.

Election date is the first Tuesday after the first Monday of each even numbered year, and the appropriate number of directors shall be elected (General Election date).


To be eligible to be a candidate for or to serve as a director at large, a person must be a registered voter in the district and:

  • Position One (County-at-Large), reside in the district.
  • Position Two (City-at-Large), reside in the City of Brackettville.
  • Position Three (MUD-at-Large), reside in the Fort Clark Springs Municipal Utility District.

To be eligible to be a candidate for, or to serve as a director from a county commissioner's precinct, a person must:

  1.   Be a registered voter of that precinct, and
  2.   Reside in a rural area of that precinct.
Board Vacancy 

The Kinney County Commissioner's Court shall appoint a replacement to fill a vacancy in the office of a director.  The appointed replacement serves until the next director's election.  At that election, a person is elected to fill the position.  If the position is not scheduled to be filed at the election, the person elected to fill the position serves only for the remainder of the unexpired term.​